Sunday, May 14, 2023


The trail-running community is growing. There is a sense of unity, and oneness among the runners when they are on the trail. You can talk freely, converse, share experiences, and exchange views, and advice, there is mutual respect and kinship that exist among runners like brothers and sisters. They have common values and passion this is the bond that ties them. 

Forests and mountains though nothing compared to their natural beauty are a harsh world to be at. Runners are in survival mode with one thing in mind, conquer. The mountain trails are not for the weak so they have to find easier activities like staying on the road while abrasive personalities are softened and humbled by one’s vulnerability and the need for someone to count on. Each one looks on the shoulder of the others and helps when someone is down. Like soldiers, all runners are accounted for at the end of the battle for the finish line. 

The Trail Running Community is one, united, and strong. We are the Trail Runners and we love to run the trails. Anybody can run in well-paved and well-lit roads with easy access anytime and anywhere, but not all can be trail runners, which combined being a runner and an adventurer and need more discipline. While a triathlete, swim, bike, and run on a mostly flat surface, the trail runner on the other hand, climbs mountains, hikes, crosses rivers, navigate oneself inside the forest, over valleys and hills, in sticky mud, a never-ending ascend and descend, and running on rocky roads. A weak heart will easily quit with broken confidence, but the brave and courageous will go on and try to be a better runner in every race. For a trail runner, quitting is not an option finishing is everything, but winning is the best. Winning is not just winning the race, it is about winning against your own limitations. Each finisher, therefore, is a winner. 

Being called a Trail Runner is a badge of honor. To be a trail runner you have to have the heart of a conqueror – brave, strong, and resolute. There is no room for weakness yet remains compassionate towards fellow runners. Trail Running is not a contact sport runners always run in a single file especially when in the mountain. One gives way to the others, either you ran faster or you give way to one who can run faster ahead of you. There is no jostling or physical contact. You compete against yourself, against your own mental and physical limitations. It’s a battle not from the outside but from the inside, YOU. The prize of finishing or winning is not about against others it’s about you who happen to surpass your limitations. To conquer what seems to be the impossible. The challenges of natural obstacles, competition, and race are just but the forces to bring out the best in you. To a Trail Runner, the mountains are no longer just a wonder to behold and appreciate with the eyes but a playing field to enjoy and have fun with, a gift from God. 


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